The Police Stranded Two Black Houston Men

Today in Woodworth Louisiana two seperate police traffic stops pulled over black men wearing black Jena support shirts. These men who were just showing their support while going to Jena on a mecca or crusade if you will to support ending racism were stopped for speeding. Neither man was speeding and they were ticketed for going 70 when the speed they were at was 50 mph. The licenses were told to be suspended when this was not the case. The suspension was lifted over 1 1/2 years ago and it was only for a short period of time. The men had the exact same thing happen to them and ended up crossing paths at the same gas station the tow truck brought them to due to their cars being impounded.

If You Travel Through Woodworth, Louisiana Please Don’t Buy Anything

Boycott The Town So The Town Can Wake Up

Being ticketed while not speeding and then having your car impounded for such a violation is a harsh punishment for a routine traffic violation you didn’t even commit. They were left far from Houston stranded at a gas station both having very similar stories. It appears certain police officers were profiling those heading to Jena to show their support and giving them punishment that far exceeded a crime they did not even commit.

Other Houston News

This town is notorious for making much of their revenue by ticketing people for going 2 and 3 miles over the speed limit. The police are also known to tail people late at night causing them to speed up at which point they get pulled over for going a few miles over when trying to gain distance from the police car and their car.

The police in this town have even been investigated by the state. A Lousiana state investigator drove through going slightly over the speed limit and he was immediately pulled over by one of these problem police. After the investigation there was a stop for a short time but the police are back up to some of their same bad cop tactics. This town is worth driving around as the cops and government are somewhat corrupt and have know shame in how they treat visitors passing through.